Student Virtual Classroom is a simple ready to use teacher to student online App, where a teacher sends subject notes, classwork or assignments to students including CBT and exams. Marks will be given to students’ works and corrections will be made by the teacher for student to see. Record of all Student Marks is kept for generating C.A (Continuous Assessment) also examination.
Why Choose Student Virtual Classroom for your School?
We partner with our clients for a structured growth in their schools and improve their process of teaching and learning with wealth of experience which our clients will leverage on.
Student virtual classroom makes your teaching and learning process easier with access to quality contents to make your learning process smooth
Student virtual classroom makes your teaching and learning process convenient, thereby achieving the desired result.
With a competitive budget, you can use Student virtual classroom and give your students the distinctive edge you've always desire.
Student virtual classroom has a robust reporting system which helps teachers have a cumulative results of all the test given, for decisions and assessment.